Post Archive
Apologies for the mess; the blog is still a work-in-progress. Technically-minded entries can also be red on DEV.
Container queries are live (in Chrome)!
Container queries have landed in Chrome. Here's a quick overview.
Game Diary: thoughts on bowing, tipping my hat, and using my turn signal
Thinking about 'useless' actions that add a sense of verisimilitude--or maybe not.
Hiding Images with Content Warnings in React
Simple, re-usable component for hiding sensitive images in React
Quick Tip: always include a type on your buttons
Did you know the default type value on a button element isn’t “button?”
<details> and <summary>: a native HTML accordion
Did you know you could make a simple accordion with just html? Basics and gotchas.
Quick Code: VSCode snippet for IE11-only CSS and SCSS
VSCode snippets for writing IE11-only styles
axe-con 2022 takeaways: CSS
A brief summary of some of the new CSS features I learned about at axe-con and can't wait to use.
WAS Exam Study Tips
Last year, I passed IAAP's Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS) certification exam. Reflecting on our time studying together, friend and fellow WAS Ari Ross and I co-authored a blog post for Velir sharing our exam prep tips.
Headless CMS: What Is It, When Should You Consider It
Through my work at Velir, I got to give GatsbyJS a test run on a very cool project for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I contributed some thoughts to a blog post about the experience at